Published: 2021-09-14

SIOeChCF Award “Antonino Roberto Antonelli”

Milan, Italy


The President Domenico Cuda pleased to announce the Institution of the

SIOeChCF Award 

"Antonino Roberto Antonelli"

Extract of the SIOeChCF Regulation amended on 10-07.21

“Every year the Society announces a single award named after Prof. Antonino Roberto Antonelli to be given to a colleague, Italian or foreign, whose activities have led to a significant impact on the progress in Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, in any field, clinical and/or scientific.
The Prize, which does not provide for any financial contribution, will be paid in the form of a memento object delivered by the President of SIOeChCF during the Gala Dinner of the National Congress, as well as hospitality for the winner at the same National Congress by the President of the Congress.
Travel expenses will be supported by SIOeChCF.
Candidates will be taken into consideration on the anonymous proposal of a SIOeChCF Member who must reach the SIOeChCF Secretariat no later than March 31; the proposal must contain the motivation of the proposing Member accom-panied by a Curriculum vitae of the Candidate.
The proposals will be distributed to each of the voting Members of the SIOeChCF Board, who will secretly express their preference on a electronic voting platform. The anonymity of the proposal will be guaranteed by the fact that the Secretariat will receive the proposal in a sealed envelope, containing inside a second envelope with the name of the proposing Member and the self-declaration of the same as a SIOeChCF Member in good standing with the payment of the membership fees. The proposal and the envelope with the name of the proposer will be identified by the Secretariat with the same identifica-tion number and the envelope containing the name of the proposer will be opened by the SIO Secretary only after the vote has been taken.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Members are informed, both through the Official Press Office and through publi-cation on the website, of the prize up for grabs and the related competition procedures.”

Members are invited to formalize their eventual proposals by March 31, 2022



© Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e chirurgia cervico facciale , 2021

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